


In today's training I'll be showing you the secret to recruiting people regularly into your team.


If you have been watching and studying top networkers, you will understand that these people ain't doing anything different rather than reaching out to more people. The only difference between them and others who are also reaching out to many people is that they apply some skills while reaching out to many people. But the key thing is that they introduce alot of people to their business.
Network marketing is a numbers game, if you show many people your business, chances are you will equally have many sign ups than someone who is not really showing the business to many people.
For example; a professional may show 50 people his or her business presentation in a month and have 20 people sign up. On the other hand, an amateurs may equally show his or her business presentation to 50 people but have 10 sign ups.
The difference between the number of sign ups for these two networkers is the skills. It therefore means that while skill is necessary, numbers will always get you somewhere.  
Using the same scenario if a network marketing amateur talks to 100 people, he will equally sign up 20 people like the professional that talked to 50 people more so, if the amateur talks to 150 people, he or she will out do the professional that talked to 50 people and the amateur will have 30 sign ups. 
In clear terms, you can always make up in numbers what you lack in skills.... stop waiting for your skills to be perfect before you think of succeeding in network marketing. simply reach out to more people while perfecting your network marketing skills and you will certainly recruit more people.
Often times many networkers are always getting ready to get ready. They get lost in learning skills, they use up all their time in learning different techniques and network marketing strategies without implementing any. If this describes you, I'll advise that you start implementing the few things that you have learnt. Go out and experiment so that you know what works.
Let your learning not lead to knowledge, let your learning lead to action.
It is okay if a guy is dumb and broke but if a person is smart and broke it is pitiful... if your learning only lead to knowledge, it will be better not to learn. 
This training will expose you to the secret of continuous sponsoring. That secret is having a continuous lead generating system.
Sit down and decide how you want to start generating your leads.
Before I explain further, let me quickly define lead 
A lead is a prospect who is interested in your business and has eventually seen your business explanation but yet to sign up.
Leads are prospects who are likely to join your team any moment after seeing your business explanation. It's a known fact that 90% of our prospect won't sign up the first time they see our presentation.
The secret to you sponsoring continuously is having a good lead flow. 
This is always difficult to do if you don't decide on what to do. To put things in perspective, if you make a decision to be contacting 5 new prospects a day for your business be it online or offline, you will start having a good flow of leads. 
Here is another thing you have to consider;
Not only should you generate leads for your business, you should also have what I call a lead tank.
A lead tank is a place where your leads stays until they sign up, or die. 
A lead tank could be your email list, it could be your WhatsApp group, your Facebook page or group, your YouTube channel.
If your doing your business offline, your lead tank maybe your note book containing the names of all those you have explained your business to.

Note that you will be doing this business for a  long period of time. Your lead tank is an asset to you because that is where those who will be joining your business readily will stay.
The essence of having a lead tank is for continuous follow ups. Every professional has a lead tank that is why they sponsor continuously. The larger your lead tank, the larger the numbers of recruits you will have.
On a side note, when you see some active networkers sponsoring 2 to 3 people weekly, it doesn't necessarily mean that they just prospected those members, it may be that those members have been in their leads tank for awhile.
Focus on prospecting , generating leads to your lead tank with regular follow up.
If you did this, you will be registering people continuously.

Treat your business as a business and it will pay like one

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