


I exposed this secret to few of my team members last year after our second mega car award, since then  it's been really helpful for them. I also know that it will help you a great deal.
Note that this is a secret and it's an eye opener.
Most of these statements are in past tense cus I had the training last year
So lets begin
please lets be very attentive about what I am going to say because once you get the idea you will be celebrated soonest
Like I said earlier this training was only for few of my active team members but I decided to blog about it for other Jamalife partners too so that we can also be celebrated too
I only informed those ones that I know are passionate about this business
I have personally registered 50 people into this business but I only showed this  training post to few because those are the ones I know to be actively involved in the business.
So if you are here know that you are considered as a leader daz why you are here
Lets proceed
Two days ago I was at Lagos for our 2nd car award in Nigeria
And i observed alot of things and those are the things I want to expose you to
That is why I want us to pay close attention so that we catch it immediately
In Jamalife compensation plan cars are given after stage 6 which is crown diamond

But how many of us know that currently in Jamalife we don't have up to 8 members in stage 6????
Yes the truth is that Jamalife is still new
Now I want us to understand that if Jamalife was to go by the compensation plan up till now no body

Yes I said no body would have qualified for any car
Irrespective of the fact that many people have not completed stage 6,
Do you know that over 23 cars have been given out to members??
i want to cal our attention to something now that if you understand you too can quickly qualify for cars in the next award
It may shock most of us that alot of car owners are in stage 5
it may also shock you to know that during our first car award someone qualified for a car at stage four (keep it to your self)
Now follow me gradually so that you don't miss out
I want to show you guys how you can do this too
it's very easy
The company is so kind
I have seen some companies that doesn't give incentives to even qualified members
But in Jamalife since members haven't cross the stage 6, they decide to willingly give cars to passionate members who are showcasing their business
It therefore means that passion is what they are using to award people currently
They are currently using passion because people have not started crossing the stage 6
But once people start crossing the stage 6,
They will be operating with the compensation plan which is more difficult.
Please lets understand that this period is a golden opportunity for us
I will explain to you how you can do this
Alot of our recently car qualifiers are in stage 5 but they are given cars while others who are in that same stage 5 ain't
Why ??
Let me explain why
They integrate their matrix with passion
Most of them own seminar centres
Most of them organise road shows for all Jamalife partners in their states
Most of them post their seminar centres pictures to the coordinators group so that the coordinators can see that they are active
Yes they do all these.

Question; but why will Jamalife look at all these things
Here is why: the reason is because no one has crossed the normal compensation plan matrix yet it's hard for everyone so the company picks the next option willingly.... in other words it's not as if they qualified, they are given
The good news is that those ones that have qualified for cars already won't be given another stage six car again
So automatically the competition is between those who have not been given their cars
So let's assume that all the stage 5 level 2 members got their cars last Friday,
The battle is for those from stage 5 downward
Anyone below who will display those qualities I have mentioned above will be picked by the company and rewarded
Don't think that you can only qualify for a car after stage 6
You can still qualify before that stage
It's an opportunity
How I wish we will understand this
This is the approach that people are using to qualify for all these cars you are seeing
Use it too.


It will be more difficult when people start crossing stage six, by then the company will only give you when you qualify for it
But now if you are active and you display a leadership quality by opening a seminar centre, posting your seminar centres pictures, making the global coordinators know you.
I guarantee you that if you do these things your brand new car awaits you
*now I was able to add the global coordinators to our smartest team WhatsApp group*
As you are building your matrix also be posting your seminar centres pictures, testimonies of your WhatsApp group members
Just do things that will attract attention to you
For those of us that were in the award
You saw how Jamalife gave people money for different activities like
Road shows
Coordinating other team members
Doing different things for Jamalife
so for our Jamalife partners in South Africa
You have the opportunity of qualifying for cars and other things
Do it now that you don't have much competition
Now here is the good news

I spoke with Mrs Joy Ameachi
She is our team's representative in the global coordinators level
She said something I am going to post a screenshot
Check below 👇👇👇
It's very easy for people to qualify for things now cus this company is still new
The company is picking people because no one is actually qualifying
So guys needless of doing the business calmly again
Let the coordinators know you and your activities
If you have a team name let them know
Post your activities on our smartest team group our coordinators are there, they will be seeing
If you are in the coordinators group do same
many people don't know all these
thanks to God you know it now apply it so that you qualify for your cars too.

I was given an opportunity to speak on stage despite other top diamonds because I am known by the company and due to this I got many registrations that day.
The company is looking for leaders step up, they will recognise you
I don't know if we have any other question cus I'm about to close for today
Our Tomorrow's exposure will be a recap of today and few additions

The ball is in our court, if we play it well, our friends will be shocked how fast we will own our cars
The compensation plan for now is just there to scare people.... if you work hard you will be shocked when the company will award you.
Yes I am not guessing this I know it
I know alot of the car qualifiers stages
In a nutshell let the company know you as you are doing the business
*Please i will advise that we go through those explanations over and over again so that we get every details
Good Day All




The above training was conducted in my WhatsApp group in 16 December 2017 . And most of the above information were extremely valuable then... I may not know when you are reading it but I believe it will help shift your mind a little as regards how you view this business.

Please join the WhatsApp group let's make these dream reality Team work is the best 🤝🤝

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